Plastek is firmly committed to the health and wellbeing of its employees and their families. This is demonstrated through a variety of innovative and leading Company sponsored programs and initiatives.
Some examples include :
- Wellness Works Program
- Wellness Clinics
- Discounted Gym Memberships
- Onsite Nurse & Doctor’s Office Hours
- Charity Walks
- Health Related Benefits
- Employee Assistance Program (EAP)

Our Wellness Works Program
The Plastek Wellness Works Program was established in 2005, and continues to promote a work environment, encouraging healthy lifestyles with education, convenience and incentives. Additional features include free biometric screenings, on-site exercise facilities, free weight watchers, fitness gym membership discounts, free PSA & mammogram screenings, free flu shots and more!
The program is improving employees & family members lives, productivity, overall well being, and is helping us all maintain some control over ever increasing healthcare cost.
Over the history of Wellness Works, the employees of Plastek, have provided the program with tremendous support through participation.
Learn More

Safety First is a familiar motto at The Plastek Group and is communicated in various ways:
To uphold a sustainable focus on safety and providing a secure work environment for everyone involved, The Safety Department is dedicated to educating our workforce with the knowledge and tools to perform both routine and non routine tasks in an approved, trained & safe manner.
Preventing unsafe acts, accidents and unsafe conditions provide our employees and visitors with a safe and healthy work place.
The Plastek Safety Committee is a valuable asset to The Plastek Group’s Safety Department. The Corporate Offices and Operating facilities in Erie, PA are annually certified by the Common Wealth of Pennsylvania as participants with annual certified safety committee training.

Safety Program
For our safety program to be successful, each employee within the organization must make a personal commitment to safety. With voluntary membership made up of dedicated employees, our safety committee members are trained to be role models and leaders of example, when it comes to working safe and reporting safety alerts.
Safety at The Plastek Group is communicated in various ways such as :
- Company & rules specific Safety Committee Training
- Holding Monthly Safety Meeting
- Providing Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)
- Weekly Safety Talks
- Safety Works Participation Program & Incentives
- Maintaining Job Specific Certifications