How to benefit from Employee Wellness

Employee Wellness

With wishes to all for a healthy & prosperous new year, popular resolutions are known to be derived from the mindset of Health & Wellness, and Finance. In 2020 The Plastek Group continues to remain resolute in providing a positive solution for both. Plastek is part of the plastics injection molding industry, offering employment roles in the development and production of plastic packaging for consumer products. Working for The Plastek Group, Erie, PA and Hamlet, NC employees are all eligible for exceptional benefits featured in our Health & Wellness program. Beating the expected national 5% increase, effective February 1, 2020, The Plastek Group will continue to act as self-insured, and provide a self-funded health insurance plan with a premium increase this year of only 2%. Dennis Prischak explains, “it is very important to Plastek to have a healthy and motivated workforce and we believe affordable and convenient medical care is important.” With or without Plastek Insurance, all active full-time employees, their spouses and children, as well as all active temp employees are eligible for FREE onsite services. Free appointments can be made with two on site nurses five days a week or with an onsite doctor three days a week. Our “Wellness Works” program, established 15 years ago, has promoted a work environment, encouraging healthy lifestyles with education, convenience and incentives. Additional features include free biometric screenings, on-site exercise facilities, free weight watchers, fitness gym membership discounts, free PSA & mammogram screenings, free flu shots and more ! Karen DiLuzio, LPN and Plastek Health and Wellness Specialist, says “our staff has seen discoveries made, by individuals who have participated in the program, that would have otherwise gone undiagnosed.” Plastek, Hamlet, N.C. employee, shared with us his success and praise of the Wellness Works program. He says, “Thank you for saving my life! I would have never known I had diabetes.” In 2019 the completion rate of our Wellness Works Program was 57.7% and these employees qualify for a rate premium of 34.5% below our standard rates for the coming 2020 year. All Plastek employees, regardless of insurance status, are encouraged to participate in and reap the added value benefits and incentive rewards of the Wellness Works program. Prischak declares “our high completion rate and lower than average rate increases, show our employees get it. The healthier they are, the lower our costs and we pass that on directly to them.” Press Release- For Immediate Release- The Plastek Group- Nichole Freeman- 1.9.2020 Learn more about The Plastek Group at and connect with us @ThePlastekGroup on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn.     

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