Deodorant – The New Frontier of Innovation 

Deodorant began in the late 1800s, with the first one, which killed odor-causing bacteria, being called “Mum.” The product line, options and technology have come a long way since then. 

In recent years deodorant sales have skyrocketed after working remotely and from home has somewhat lapsed. Industry experts and manufacturers give a lot of credit to its latest market and innovation – whole-body deodorant. Men and women alike are using deodorant for more than their underarms and the data backs it up. This hidden need was not naturally targeted but seemingly customer-driven and social media contributed heavily to that effort. 

What is Whole Body Deodorant?

It is as simple as it seems. Like deodorant for underarms, “whole body deodorant works by limiting the growth of bacteria on the skin surface that contribute to odor formation,” says Dr. Brendan Camp. The options and packages are changing and expanding, but the product and intention remain the same as the long-standing conventional product.  

Increasing Global Demand

Retailers and producers have jumped at the opportunity for this new market and additional shelf space with new packaging options to create new sales and opportunities. Commercials are popping up, and the race is on to acquire new customers and expand business with current ones. With it being the fastest-growing facet of the market, it is no surprise producers want to deliver a premium option quickly.  Additionally, it has been reported this demand has not been solely required and of interest in North America alone. Latin America, South America and Europe are all seeing demand increase significantly. 


One way for manufacturers and producers to attain new customers and the proper attention is through new packaging options. These could be stock or custom, including:

  • Conventional Options:
    • Two-hole bottom fill
    • Top Fill
    • Fill through the screw
  • Additional Customer Requests:
    • Samplers
    • Roll-on options
    • Customization options (printing, labeling, and more)

The Plastek Group has been the market leader in the deodorant category and has both stock and custom deodorant packaging options. For decades Plastek has worked with and innovated new products and manufacturing practices, which have contributed to the significant growth in the deodorant category. Plastek Stock options are available by request for review. With an in-house tooling and design team, Plastek can provide options for new products but can also build the tool and be the manufacturer.

Learn About Our Deoderant Containers